Course curriculum

    1. Aesthetics Table of Contents

    2. 1. Aesthetics Simple Service Folder

    3. 2. Dermal Fillers Service Overview

    4. 3. General Aesthetics Pre Post Check In info

    5. 4. General Aesthetics Pre Post Check In info

    6. 5. Microneedling Service Overview

    7. 6. Morpheus8 Service Overview

    8. 7. Neuromodulator Examples

    9. 8. Neuromodulator Service Overview

    10. 9. Neuromodulators Formulations (WIP)

    11. 10. PDO Threads service overview

    12. 11. Sculptra Service Overview

    13. 12. SinEcch

    14. 13. Skin Health Protocol

    15. 14. Skin Health Protocol

    16. 15. What is PRP Service Overview

    1. Kybella Consent V1.0

    2. Microneedling Dermapen Consent V1.0

    3. Morpheus8 Consent

    4. Neuromodulator Consent V1.0

    5. PDO Thread Lift Consent V1.0

    6. PRP Consent V1.0

    7. PRP For Hair Restoration Consent V1.0

    8. Radiesse Consent V1.0

    9. Sculptra Consent V1.0

    10. Dermal Filler Consent

    1. Aesthetics Aftercare Instructions

    2. Dermal Filler Aftercare Instructions (turn into service overview

    3. Microneedling Aftercare

    4. Morpheus8 Aftercare

    5. Neuromodulator After Care

    6. PDO COG Thread After Care Instructions

    7. PDO Smooth Thread After Care Instructions

    8. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Aftercare Instructions

    9. Sculptra Aftercare

    1. Aesthetic Pre-care Instructions

    2. Morpheus8 101 Patient Handout

    3. PRP- Pre treatment instructions

    4. Radiesse Patient Information

    5. Sculptra Manufacturer Patient Information

    1. 8 Point Lift

    2. Aesthetics Provider Flow

    3. Aesthetics Standing RX Orders

    4. LAST

    5. Recap on business of beauty _)

    6. COG Lyft Tray Set Up

    1. Dermal Fillers Tips to Achieve Successful Outcomes

    2. Dermal-Filler-Complications-Essential-Guide-2023

    3. Neuromodulator Guide

    4. VO protocol

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  • 324 lessons
  • 16.5 hours of video content

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